Soon after our arrival to Africa in '08, we decided we wanted to see more... Time to enjoy another side of Africa!... and why not, some other continents. This blog summarizes our trips in 2010 with special emphasis in the beloved African continent, cradle of humankind.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Arrgghhh! the packing...

Painful, very very painful... having to pack a house / apartment every 2-3 years is very very painful. Fortunately this time we decided to only bring clothes and other few things, but being human, we accumulate a lot of junk and now we have to pack and send back to Mexico.

We have managed to narrow down the departure date from Angola to Friday 16 or Saturday 17 of April depending on guess what? of course the visas! We are only missing Namibia and hopefully we will be able to get an on arrival visa for Zambia.

What we can say is that today is Juan's last Sunday at Congo and Analaura's last Sunday at Angola... definitely mixed feelings!


Juan & Analaura

1 comment:

  1. How I would like have taken that decision, to walk around of Africa... 20 years ago..... Hey guys enjoy!!!! now is the time!!!!ER
